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Repairing Corrupted Microsoft Word 2003 & 2007 Files


Metode dan Algoritma | Repairing Corrupted Microsoft Word 2003 & 2007 Files . Anda bisa melakukan konsultasi tentang Repairing Corrupted Microsoft Word 2003 & 2007 Files melalui form di samping kanan !!!

HighTech IT Solution. John: I got assignment last night, It's about my ms word 2007 files. It can't opened. I don't know Why?? What happen with my files?? Hmm...I remember something, last night rain dropped very hard, then suddenly electricity in my house turned off. I think my files was corrupted while it happened. Can you fix my corrupted files, brother?

Me: "Fortunately for you all hope is not lost. Normally, when Word 2007 detects a corrupt file, it will automatically try and repair it while it is opening the file. You can also force this behavior by taking the following steps:

  1. In Word 2007, click the Office button and select Open.
  2. In the Open dialog box, click on the corrupt file that you would like to open and then click the small down arrow next to the Open button. This will bring up the Open menu.
  3. In the Open menu, select "Open and Repair."
With Word 2003, a similar feature existed. When "Open and Repair" failed to resuscitate a corrupt Word .doc file.
But, don't worry I got tool for repair your ms word 2003 file. You can use "Repair My Word".
Repair My Word is a data recovery program for Microsoft Word documents. It is designed to recover text from damaged or corrupt Word files (.doc files) that will not open normally. The recovered text can then be saved as an error free Microsoft Word document.
This program does NOT work for Office 2007 .docx files.
Some common error messages which can prevent a user opening a Microsoft Word document include:
  • "The document name or path is not valid. Try these suggestions. Check the file permissions for the document or drive. Use the File Open dialog box to locate the document."
  • "Word cannot open the document."
  • "Word cannot open the document: user does not have access privileges."
  • When you attempt to open a Microsoft Word 97 document into Microsoft Word version 6.x or 7.x, the document contains garbage characters.
Repair My Word will allow you to obtain access to the contents of corrupt word documents. It will repair Microsoft Word 6.0, Word 95, 97, 2000, XP, and 2003 for Windows.
Repair My Word is simple to use. Just open the corrupt Word file, preview the recoverable text in the preview window and save this text to a new error free Word file.

Finally, one other approach is to convert the .docx file to a .doc file using an online converter, and I have found the online Docx converter to work really well. Convert your .docx files into .doc using this site.

Alternative software for repair your word files you can also use this Stellar Phoenix Recovery Word.

Features – Stellar Phoenix Word Repair Software

Stellar Phoenix Word Recovery is one of the reliable MS Word file recovery software with many advanced Word repair features which make it unique among other products. Below mentioned are the key features of this powerful Word recovery tool:

Word Documents & File RecoveryWord Documents & File Recovery

The Word recovery software safely repairs corrupt Word files with their original text, font, pictures, and headers/footers intact. The Word repair tool is helpful when your MS Word document becomes inaccessible, starts repagination automatically, or suddenly increases its size when it gets corrupt.

Recovers Charts and Pictures and ImagesRecovers Charts, Pictures, Images

The doc recovery software can now recover all the Charts, images, and pictures inserted to the Word file in their original resolution and size.

Log File GenerationLog File Generation

The software provides you the option to save the log file which is generated after the recovery process. The Log Report contains the details of the process, such as name of the corrupt Word file, beginning and end of the process, etc.

Advance RepairAdvance Repair

If your MS Word file is severely corrupt and is not repaired by simple repair option or the repaired result is unsatisfactory, then opt for 'Advance Repair' option. This option works only for .doc files.

User-Friendly GUIUser-Friendly GUI

The software has improved, very intuitive, and user friendly graphical interface which guides you throughout the recovery process. This makes the software very easy to use for any user to use and recover corrupt Word document.

Raw RecoveryRaw Recovery

'Raw Recovery' is one very useful option for the users who have very severely corrupt files. This option recovers all the text found in the damaged Word file and the recovered data comes in raw text form.

Searches for Word FileSearches for Word File

The software searches your Word file with .doc and .docx extensions in the entire hard drive, volume, or a folder of your Windows based computer. This is one of the powerful option of the software that you can use to find the MS Word file, if its location is unknown or forgotten. To help you to identify your required Word document the search result shows files with their name, size, creation date, and last modification date.

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Posted by: Metode Algoritma Updated at: 08.16


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